How to Keep Your Kids Off iPads?
How to Keep Your Kids Off iPads?
Screen time can be valuable, but it’s important to ensure that kids are developmentally ready. It doesn’t distract time for other major things like sleep, exercise, playing, schoolwork, and in-person socialization.
Additionally, ensure that the content they engage with is age-appropriate, emphasize moderation and keep an eye out for signs that teenagers rely on screens for nonstop amusement or (digital) connection. Parents of children of all ages must watch out for using iPads for child entertainment or behavior control. Children who spend too much time on iPads may experience attention and learning problems, poor academic results, obesity, and undesirable conduct.
If you have any issues regarding iPads and media use or are looking for solutions to stop that habit, consult your physician.

Child iPad Addiction Symptoms to look out for
IPads have taken the role of calming and entertaining kids. In fact, according to current statistics, one in three toddlers use a device before they can even talk. However, it can seriously harm kids’ mental health.
- Being Emotional and Physical
A negative relationship with the iPad may be indicated if your child exhibits anxiety, irritability, or depression.
- Loss of interest
If your child spends a lot of time on electronic devices and isn’t showing the same passion for the weekly trip, swimming pool, or football, look out for other warning signals.
- Extending time and pushing boundaries
It may have formerly sufficed to play a quick game or watch the most recent video from their favorite YouTuber to satisfy their iPad itch, but if you see that they are spending more time online, you should keep an eye on it.
- Lying and lack of tolerance
Another red flag to look out for is sneaky, dishonest behavior to get access to their iPad or lying about how long they’ve been on. iPad users can also develop a lack of tolerance.
- Controlling feelings by using an iPad
If your child’s mood changes when you give them access to their device, it may indicate that they are too dependent on it to remain upbeat.
Strategies to Get Your Kids off iPads
We buy iPads for our kids in order to keep them safe, help them with their homework, and keep them out of our hair, but we probably could have foreseen all the problems they could cause.
Here are some ways to curb your kid’s iPad addiction:
Set Boundaries
Many child psychologists agree that setting rules with kids can make them feel included in the process and increase their chance of obeying your requests for them to spend less time on the iPad.
Together, decide on the ideal time for their hour of gaming or scrolling, and then display the guidelines in your house.
Reward charts
If your child complies with the rules, consider rewarding them with a sticker chart or similar points system. Reward them with something they love that’s not screen related at the end of the month. It can be a great motivator for your kid.
Don’t stop them from using their iPad.
If you take the iPad, it will go over badly. Introduce countdowns and give your kid the freedom to choose the start time. This method allows kids to feel that they have some control over how and when they put the iPad away.
Be specific with limits.
Give children specific times to use iPads rather than random time limits. This offers kids particular goals to work toward and helps parents remember their limitations.
Set an example
Use media in the manner that you’d like your kids to. Many parents today are tied to their phones, yet we demand that our kids disconnect and play outside. Observe sensible guidelines when using technology, such as never texting, driving, or oversharing on social media. Mirror neurons in our children’s brains make them copy our behaviors; therefore, we need to model good behavior for them.
By living out what you teach rather than taking the hypocritical “do as I say, not as I do” attitude.
Stay strong
With the best intentions in the world, arguments are inevitable. The requests for “just one more game” and “10 more minutes” will never stop. Keep your temper and avoid rewarding these actions to reduce persistent disobedience.
Avoid iPad before bed or during mealtimes.
Always avoid using phones or iPads during mealtimes; turn them off and put them away at least an hour before bed. This gives active young minds the time to relax and reduces instances of sleep interruption.
Schedule the green time and have fun
Plan an engaging “real world” activity after screen time is finished. Children constantly exposed to digital stimulation need time in nature to decompress. It might be something they enjoy eating or a vacation to their preferred outdoor activity.
The benefits of spending time in nature are an increase in the brain’s balance and focus.
Use Kidslox
The KidsLox app makes managing restrictions on time, content, and other factors simple. You can change many little things about how your kids use their iPads to discourage them from using them and help them break bad habits.